All of our replicas are hand made, finished and hand painted in our studios in leicestershire, United Kingdom. We pride ourselves on the quality of work and services we provide, most often, the projects and replicas we provide are custom made and painted for the customer. We provide quality rather than quantity with our work, as we do not mass produce any items, the items you see for sale on this site are available in very limited numbers. Please ensure you have read the product descriptions correctly before ordering.
In the unlikely event that you are not happy with your purchase, here are our very simple return policy guidelines.
Please notify us within 14 days or receiving your item at and we will communicate with you to facilitate the return of the item and a refund or exchange. We do not accept any other method and process.
The item must be returned to us at Prehistoric, Unit D1, Elms Farm Industrial Estate, Ullesthorpe Rd, Bitteswell, Lutterworth, Leicestershire LE17 4LR
Unfortunately we cannot refund the cost of return shipping.
We cannot under any circumstances accept responsibility in any way for damages caused in transit, We take every care to securely package all orders.
We cannot accept returns or issue refunds for any custom built work.
We cannot accept any liability unfortunately for any deadlines imposed by a customer, or problems arrising from Customers entering wrong shipping information / details, or changing address during the order time, from order to shipping.
Refunds can take up to 7 working days after receiving the item delivered back to us, and will be credited back to your original payment method.
All of our replicas are NOT toys - and are designed for display only. They should only be handled by children under adult supervision.
By ordering from this site, you agree to these terms and conditions.